How to Message a Recruiter on LinkedIn

How to Message a Recruiter on LinkedIn

Are you tired of sending out dozens of job applications, LinkedIn InMail and not hearing back from recruiters?

It's time to take matters into your own hands and reach out to recruiters more efficiently on LinkedIn. But with so many other job seekers vying for their attention, how can you make your LinkedIn message stand out?

Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting out in your career, mastering the art of LinkedIn messaging or LinkedIn InMail can give you a competitive edge in the job market.

In this article, we'll show you how to craft compelling LinkedIn messages and create end-to-end strategy that captures the recruiter's attention and increases your chances of landing an interview.

 How to let recruiters find you on LinkedIn

1.     Optimize Your Profile and Use the Right Keywords

Recruiters use specific keywords when searching for potential candidates on LinkedIn. Make sure to use relevant keywords in your profile, including your job titles, skills, and industry-related terms. Use variations of these keywords throughout your profile to increase your visibility in search results.

2.     Network with Other Professionals

Networking with other professionals is an excellent way to let recruiters find you on LinkedIn. Join relevant groups and engage with other members by sharing articles, asking questions, and participating in discussions. Reaching out the users directly through LinkedIn Inmail helps you build a network of professionals who can provide referrals or recommendations to recruiters.

Using LinkHelp or BizWik, you can automate this process. You can choose the targeted audience and build new powerful networks while maintaining existing relationship on auto-mode. (You can request a demo here). The steps to do the same are:

  1. Create your targeted audience
  2. Send connection requests
  3. Once connection request is accepted, send a warm-up message
  4. Maintain the relationship

LinkHelp enables users to do all the above steps in auto-mode.

3.     Use Open to Work Feature

The Open to Work feature  lets you indicate to recruiters that you're open to new job opportunities. You can add a frame to your profile picture that says "Open to Work," and you can specify the types of roles you're interested in. This feature makes it easier for recruiters to find and connect with you on the platform either through LinkedIn InMail or LinkedIn messages.

4.     Make a LinkedIn post saying you’re looking for a job

Making a LinkedIn post saying that you're looking for a job can be a great way to let your network know that you're actively seeking new opportunities. Use the below steps for the same:

  1. Start with a compelling headline
  2. Provide a Brief Overview of Your Experience
  3. Mention the Type of Job You're Seeking
  4. Mention the notice period and the time availability of interviews
  5. Include Contact Information
  6. Use Relevant Hashtags

Connection Invitation Messages

When sending a connection invitation to recruiters on LinkedIn, it's important to include a note as a LinkedIn message. You must keep in mind that they receive many such requests. You want to make a good impression and stand out from the crowd. Here are some message templates you can use for your initial LinkedIn message to recruiters:

General Networking Request:

Hello, I came across your profile and was impressed by your experience in [industry/field]. I would love to connect with you to expand my network and learn more about the job opportunities in your network.

Request for Job Search Assistance:

Hello, I'm a [Your Current Job Title] with [Number of Years] of experience in [Skill or Field]. I'm currently seeking new opportunities and I noticed that you specialize in [Industry or Skill] recruiting. I would appreciate any guidance or advice you can offer as I navigate the job search process.

Introduction Request:

Hello, I noticed that you work with [Company Name] and I'm interested in learning more about the company's culture and opportunities. I'm a [Your Current Job Title] with experience in [Skill or Field] and would love to connect with you to learn more.

LinkedIn Messages Post connection request acceptance

After a recruiter or contact accepts your connection request, it's important to do a follow up LinkedIn message to start building a relationship. Here are some templates you can use for your LinkedIn messages after your connection request has been accepted:

General Networking Request:

Hello, Thank you for connecting with me on LinkedIn. I'm looking forward to expanding my network and learning more about the industry. If you have any advice or insights to share, I would love to hear them.

Request for Informational Interview:

Hello, Thank you for accepting my connection request. I'm impressed by your experience in [Industry or Skill] and I was wondering if you had time for an informational interview to learn more about your career path and insights into the industry.

Introduction Request:

Hello, Thank you for connecting with me on LinkedIn. I noticed that you work at [Company Name] and I'm interested in learning more about the company's culture and opportunities. If you have any advice or insights to share, I would love to hear them.


In conclusion, LinkedIn is a powerful tool for networking and job searching, and reaching out to recruiters on the platform can help you find your next career opportunity. To make a good impression when reaching out to recruiters on LinkedIn, it's important to have a well-crafted profile, use keywords relevant to your industry, and reach out with a personalized LinkedIn messages.

When sending a connection invitation or follow-up message to a recruiter, make sure to keep it professional, concise, and polite. Avoid being pushy or overly aggressive in your communication. Instead, focus on building a relationship and demonstrating your interest in the industry and potential job opportunities.

By utilizing LinkedIn effectively, you can increase your visibility to recruiters, expand your professional network, and ultimately land your dream job. Remember to be patient, persistent, and professional, and you'll be on your way to connecting with recruiters and finding your next career opportunity.

Note: You can reach out to us here for more information!